Data is presented on hygiene indicators and pathogenic microorganisms, especially Escherichia coli (the main indicator of fecal contamination), Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes, with prevalence rates ranging from 0.7% to 100%, 0.6% to 26.7%, and 0.2% to 33.3% respectively. (food poisoning) associated with consumption of fresh vegetables in Brazil between 2000 and 2021. “Although there… Read More »
AHR Molecules in Cruciferous Vegetables Combat Lung Infections
– is a protein found at barrier sites like the gut and the lung. Some of the genes targeted switch off the AHR system, allowing it to self-regulate. The effect of AHR on immune cells is well understood, but this research, published today in Nature, now shows that AHR is also highly active in endothelial… Read More »