Dusty Donaldson tenía un “cosquilleo” en su garganta y un ganglio linfático moderadamente hinchado en su cuello. Su doctor inicialmente ignoró sus síntomas, pero ella sabía que algo estaba mal. Presionó para obtener una respuesta y después de varias pruebas, recibió un diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón. Se considera afortunada porque sobrevivió el cáncer de… Read More »
Early Screening for Lung Cancer Can Be a Lifesaver
Dusty Donaldson had a “tickle” in her throat and a mildly swollen lymph node in her neck. Her symptoms were initially dismissed by her doctor, but she knew something was wrong. She pushed for an answer, and after multiple tests, was diagnosed with lung cancer. As an 18-year survivor of lung cancer, she counts herself… Read More »
Lung Cancer 101 – HealthyWomen
Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer. But over the last 20 years, the rates of lung cancer have gone down for men, but they have been on the rise for women. And that includes women who’ve never smoked. In fact, lung cancer kills 171 women a day — more than any… Read More »
Obesity Puts You at Higher Risk for Severe Covid-19
Anne Dixon, a lung specialist in Vermont, vividly remembers the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, recalling a particularly upsetting patient death. “We had someone who was very young, had obesity and died from Covid. It was quite devastating,” said Dixon, professor of medicine at the University of Vermont Medical Center. It was a wake-up… Read More »